Friday, 12 April 2019

Salute 2019

Salute 2019 has come and gone.  An early Salute this year on the first Saturday in April.  As previously mentioned, we put on another C&C Napoleonics Le Grand Battle game, this time Vimeiro (21 August 1808) with the French (including Swiss) attacking Arthur Wellesley's British Army with Portuguese support.

Set up started on Friday lunchtime with Don and me getting into the cavernous hall at Excel around 1.30pm and initial set up completed and out by 1.45pm and back in doors by 2.30.  Reassured that everything we had left would be safe, one Warlord offering to sleep under the table through the night.  Some figures were still a bit fresh, having been completed Thursday morning.

All credit to the Warlords, a well organised show where they cannot do enough to help and are always welcoming.  The location, although lacking in atmosphere, once the lights were turned up is fine, it is spacious so that you have room around the table and plenty of space for people to chat and members of the paying public to take a break, as some did later in the day.

Set up completed Saturday am
Clive (centre) chatting to interested parties
Throughout the day we had many interested people observing the game, asking questions and generally being enthused about C&C, the terrain, figures and overall game.

We did manage to finish a game, much to our surprise although it was interrupted on many occasions by welcomed queries.  The battle itself was very much against history with a comfortable French victory.  The initial dispositions, superior British infantry numbers and the harsh terrain, especially in the centre made a French victory look a remote prospect.

The French centre looking from the British lines - rough terrain!

British right flank - Hill's wing
The initial foray in the centre saw a French battalion wiped out by the rifle fire from the 5th/60th Royal Americans.  Not a great start and the French were struggling to make headway anywhere.

Eventually, an aggressive cavalry charge on the French left of Dragoons and the 9th Hussars broke the British gun line enabling the French artillery to finally exploit the position and support a combined cavalry and infantry attack.  The 9th Hussars got carried away and ended up behind the British line where they were all killed or captured.

French artillery - photo courtesy of Alan & Elaine Daniels

In response to the crumbling right wing, whilst Clive was busy chatting/shopping or eating, his fellow British commander, Norman launched an assault using British infantry against the French gun line, now ensconced on the ridge line.  The result was the loss of a lot of British and the French holding firm.  After this, with Portuguese infantry being moved from the left to the centre to shore up the British line, Jeff, on the French right finally launched his assault capturing various villages and woods and pushing Crauford's division back.  The game actually finished around 3pm but we left packing up for an hour and had a good chance to rest and talk to visitors.

Some other pictures from the day:

Flank marker behind 20th Light Dragoons - Border post designed by Warbases - an excellent and bright addition to the table

French garrison marker  - photo courtesy of Alan & Elaine Daniels
Northumberland (5th) Regiment - photo courtesy of Alan & Elaine Daniels

Victorious French commander - Junot (Gringo figure) in 1812 uniform but looks good! - Photo courtesy of Alan & Elaine Daniels

3rd battalion, 4th Swiss regiment - still fresh from varnishing - photo courtesy of Alan & Elaine Daniels

Vimeiro village - never fell to the French but came close

The final pain is the packing up.  I left the hall around 4.15 and was back in at 5.30ish to pack the car and get away.

Queue for getting back in on Saturday pm - I did get to listen to the Grand National!
Partizan next month with the same game.

Monday, 4 March 2019


This weekend saw a re-fight of Bussaco (1810) in the Epic format of C&CN.  We managed to fit two games in, starting around 1.30pm and finally finishing when the ladies returned from a shopping trip at Gun Wharf Quay at around 6ish.

The first game was a real tussle.  The second less balanced.  Both were French victories and both involved pulling the Allies from the centre to the flanks before attacking with overwhelming infantry in the centre to capture the heights.

Don and Norman took the Allied side in both games, Don on the left in the first (Craufurd's Light Division) and on the right (Portuguese) in the second.

Part of Craufurd's division
The first game was a really tough affair.  The French on the right, against Craufurd made no headway throughout the battle and by the end the British came off the ridge line to press the French. 

On the French left, progress was better and the Allies had to feed units into their right to stem the French assault. 

Allied right flank
An early cavalry charge (by Norman) saw the two British Heavy Dragoons charge over the ridge into a French gun line in the centre with mixed success, one battery was destroyed but both Dragoons were badly damaged, limping back to their base line to participate no more.  Don (Wellington) was not impressed and the lack of cavalry would hinder the British in the centre later on when the French infantry began its assault on the ridge line.

I have to admit, with both flanks making no progress and the centre being difficult to move, I as, Massena was somewhat despairing.  It was also frustrating that all my well laid plans were stymied by good tactician cards including 'Infantry combat first' and 'Battlefield smoke'.  Surprisingly, from being some 8 - 4 down the French turned the game round in the space of 3 moves.  Lady luck finally shone on me!

Part of the French centre moving forward
The final score was 13 - 9 to the French.

Game two turned out to be much more one-sided.  A strong start on the French right against the new Craufurd (Norman) including an early 'Bayonet charge' saw elements of the Light division hit hard and falling back to the ridge.  This resulted in British reserves from the centre being moved to the left.  On the French left, steady progress was made but this time the threat of French cavalry (Dragoons) resulted in the British moving their Heavy Dragoons to the right to counter this.  Thus a similar scenario to game one with the Allied centre stripped of key troops before the final French assault.  A very useful 'Le Grand Manouevre' enabled the French to mass three batteries close to the centre of the Bussaco ridge, followed by a 'Bombard' targeting the Coldstream Guards who in Don's words were 'atomsied' being reduced from 5 stands to one - as a former Grenadier guardsman, although disappointed, Don did not show the high level of remorse one would have expected at his best unit getting pasted.

French  Hussars
Game two finished 13 - 6 to the French and was over in about 1.5 hours whilst game one took nearly 3 hours.

A great afternoon with my new British and Portuguese figures debut appearance.  Next up is Vimeiro at Salute and Partizan.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Garrison markers

These are some garrison markers showing French Legere.  the pillar and railings are from a German terrain company (picked up at Crisis).

More garrison markers for British, Prussians etc. to follow at a later date.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019


I recently finished a Westphalian brigade, using Steve Barber figures. The figures are painted for the 1812 campaign in Russia with the aim to deploy them at some point in the future for Utitza.

 Four Westphalian regiments
They took a lot longer to paint than I thought they would due to being in campaign dress, some without shoes and many with patches on uniforms and various pots and pans.

For 1812, their commander was Prince Junot who I also recently completed.  Figure is Gringo's excellent representation.

At the same time as completing Junot, I also completed Ney and his followers for 1815.  These are Perry figures.

I am currently scrambling (as usual) to get the final units (Swiss) done for Salute in early April (Vimeiro 1808), which is earlier than usual, hence the extra emergency.  I am also trying to finish flank markers (for the C&C game system) and some extra terrain that is needed.

I hope to have it all done in time.  As well as Salute we will also be exhibiting at Partizan in May.